Cybersecurity Protection Measures
To ensure the security of this website and maintain its services for all users, the following protective measures are implemented:
Self-Protection Measures
Please securely manage your password and personal information. Do not share personal information, especially passwords, with anyone. After completing tasks such as online applications, accessing emails, or managing administrative functions, always log out of your account. If you use a shared or public computer, ensure that the browser window is closed to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information, emails, or administrative functions.
Modifications to the Security Policy
Due to rapid technological advancements, incomplete regulatory frameworks, and unforeseen environmental changes, the Ministry will update the website's security policy as necessary to ensure the protection of online security. When updates are made, the revised policy will be promptly posted on the Ministry's website with a prominent notice encouraging users to review the changes.
Questions About the Security Policy
If you have any questions about the security policy of this website, please feel free to contact us.