Page 46 - 2024 BRAVO! TAIWAN_en
P. 46
logistics, container distribution, transshipment,
transfer, contracted transport, customs clearance
services, assembly, consolidation, packaging, repair,
fitting, processing, manufacturing, inspection, testing,
exhibition, and technical services. Firms can operate
in free trade zones in the form of subsidiaries, offices,
or operating departments. When foreign cargo enters
or is stored in a free-trade zone, and when cargo
is exported overseas from a free-trade zone or
transferred to another free-trade zone, only a report
must be made, and the movement is exempt from
review and inspection. Firms in free-trade zones
may engage in a wide range of businesses, such as
LME non-ferrous metals storage and transit, sea-air
intermodal transport, cross-border e-commerce, and
overseas warehousing and distribution. Taiwan can
Science Parks take advantage of the benefits of its free trade zones
Science parks established in Hsinchu and in central to attract cargo bound for transfer and induce firms
and southern Taiwan serve as foundations and clusters to establish distribution centers in Taiwan. Firms can
for high-tech industries. These parks have contributed also employ a "store in front, factory behind" operating
to Taiwan's global recognition as a hub for high-tech model to engage in collaboration with firms outside the
industries. free trade zone, which will serve to diļ¬use free trade
zones' advantages to other others. Successful win-win
The land and facilities in science parks are available "store in front, factory behind" business models can
only on a lease basis. achieve the goal of diversified operation and facilitate
Hsinchu Park Integrated circuits, expansion.
Zhunan Park computers and
Hsinchu Tongluo Park computer peripherals, Agricultural Technology Parks
Science Longtan Park telecommunications,
Parks Hsinchu photonics and Taiwan currently has two industrial parks focusing
Biomedical Park precision machinery, and on agricultural technology, namely the national-level
Yilan Park biotechnology Agricultural Technology Park and Taiwan Orchid
Taichung Park Precision machinery Technology Park which was moved under the
industry, optoelectronics jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture (previously
Central Houli Park industry, integrated circuits the Council of Agriculture) as of January 1, 2023.
Taiwan Huwei Park industry, computer and
Science peripherals industry, These industrial areas have successfully developed
Parks Erlin Park communications industry, into many industry clusters, including for natural
Chung Hsing Park and biotechnology industry products, aquaculture, agricultural materials, livestock
biotechnology, biotech research and development,
and agricultural facilities. In addition, hardware and
Tainan Science
Park, Kaohsiung software advantages (e.g., a one-stop administrative
Science Park, Photonics and service platform, bonded zones with tax incentives,
Southern Ciaotou Science optoelectronics, integrated convenient one-stop import/export customs
Taiwan Park, Chiayi circuits, precision clearance, low-interest loans, funding for R&D and
Science Science Park, machinery, biotechnology, industry-academic collaboration, standard biotech
Parks Pingtung Science ICT, and computer
Park, Nanzih peripherals plants, logistics centers, multifunctional warehouse
Technology areas, and training centers) have attracted
Industrial Park agribusinesses to lease land to build their own plants
or to lease standard biotech plants from the parks,
Free Trade Zones thus forming industry clusters. Furthermore, the
Taiwan has begun designating free trade zones,
and currently has 6 sea port free trade zones and
one air port free trade zone. Free trade zones allow
19 varied services, including trading, warehousing,