Page 45 - 聖文森
P. 45

附  錄

                  附錄五  我國與聖國政府歷年簽署雙邊經貿、投


                    簽署日期                                        條約名稱

                    2019/07/16    中華民國(臺灣)政府與聖文森國政府財政合作協定

                                  Agreement on Public Finance Cooperation between the Government of

                                  the Republic of China  (Taiwan)  and the Government of Saint

                                  Vincent and the Grenadines

                    2018/12/12    中華民國(臺灣)政府與聖文森國政府技術合作協定

                                  Agreement on Technical Cooperation between the Government of the

                                  Republic of China  (Taiwan) and the Government of Saint Vincent

                                  and the Grenadines

                    2016/06/07    中華民國政府與聖文森國政府間資訊通信技術合作協定

                                  Agreement between the Government of the Republic of China

                                  (Taiwan)  and the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines on

                                  Cooperation in Information and Communication Technology

                    2015/08/07    中華民國政府與聖文森國政府間農業技術合作協定

                                  Agreement on Agricultural Technical Cooperation between the

                                  Government of the Republic of China  (Taiwan)  and the Government

                                  of St. Vincent

                    2012/10/02    中華民國(臺灣)政府與聖文森國政府間農業技術合作協定

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