
The Executive Yuan of Taiwan announced its first National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as 'NAP') on International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2020. In accordance with the norms and spirit of the "UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights," the plan outlines future priorities and measures regarding human rights protection in business operations, making Taiwan the second country in Asia to introduce such a national action plan. As global trade continues to emphasize sustainable development and increasingly focuses on environmental, social, and corporate governance, this helps Taiwan pursue economic development while upholding democratic human rights and social responsibility, effectively enhancing the international competitiveness of Taiwan's industries.


The NAP focuses on three core areas aligned with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights:

  1. State Duty to Protect Human Rights: The government will continue to:
  • Implement key human rights conventions and incorporate into domestic law
  • Submit national reports on implementation progress
  • Strengthen international dialogue and cooperation on human rights
  • Advance labor rights protection legislation
  • Incorporate human rights provisions in international trade and investment agreements
  • Enhance administrative oversight of transnational investments
  1. Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights: The plan will:
  • Facilitate dialogue between businesses and stakeholders
  • Encourage corporate human rights policy development and implementation
  • Promote enhanced corporate non-financial disclosure
  1. Access to Remedy for victims of business-related abuses: The plan will:
  • Continue promoting judicial reform to establish better remedial systems
  • Strengthen extraterritorial jurisdiction
  • Promote whistleblower protection systems

The implementation of human rights protection measures confers substantial benefits upon enterprises, including: maintaining and expanding customer base, attracting and retaining talented employees, protecting and enhancing corporate reputation and brand value, maintaining and securing more international supply chain opportunities, attracting more sustainable investors, reducing operational conflict-related derivative risks, and improving Taiwan's overall foreign trade brand image.

The formulation and implementation of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights not only underscores Taiwan's position as a leading democratic nation committed to human rights in Asia Additionally, "Business and Human Rights" has become a key factor in international trade and investment agreement negotiations. Emphasizing corporate human rights benefits our country's foreign trade agreement negotiations and helps our industries integrate into international trade systems and supply chains, thereby enhancing Taiwan's overall national competitiveness.