◻ 主辦單位 Organizers:經濟部(Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C.)、 波蘭投資暨貿易局(Polish Investment and Trade Agency)
◻ 時間Time:2022年5月17日 (星期二) 15:00-16:25
◻ 地點Venue:台北君悅酒店 君寓一廳 Grand Hyatt Taipei, Residence One
◻ 報名連結Registration: https://rb.gy/7r3noq
◻ 暫定議程Tentative Agenda:
時間 Time | 活動內容 Event |
14:30-15:00 | 報到 Registration |
15:00-15:20 | 開幕致詞Opening Remarks ▸經濟部 陳正祺 政務次長 Chern-Chyi "C.C." Chen, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs ▸波蘭經濟發展暨技術部Grzegorz Piechowiak政務次長 Grzegorz Piechowiak, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology MoU簽署儀式 MoU Signing Ceremony ▸臺方簽署單位:台灣區電機電子工業同業公會 TW Signatory:Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’Association ▸波方簽署單位:波蘭環境保護機構 PL Signatory:The Institute of Environmental Protection(IEP) |
15:20-16:05 | 波蘭投資及市場商機Investment and Business Opportunities in Poland ▸波蘭投資暨貿易局 策略投資中心 Marcin Fabianowicz主任 Marcin Fabianowicz, Director of Centre for Strategic Investments, Polish Investment and Trade Agency 波蘭市場概況、經商環境、未來策略規劃及措施Polish market overview, business environment, future strategies and their implementation ▸波蘭產業發展局 分支機構協調處Zbigniew Bednarski處長 Zbigniew Bednarski, Director of the Branches Coordination Department, Industrial Development Agency JSC |
16:05-16:25 | 問答及討論 Q&A and Discussion |