Page 65 - 菲律賓
P. 65



                           流程                      單位                             其他

                  登記及註冊公司名稱                 獨資:貿工部               費用

                  Business Name             (Department of       Depends on territorial jurisdiction:

                  Registration              Trade and Industry,   Barangay/City – P200.00

                                            DTI)                 Municipality – P500.00

                                                                 Regional – P1,000.00

                                                                 National – P2,000.00

                                                                 For foreign applicants: additional fees

                                                                 for the Certificate of Authority to

                                                                 engage in business under the    Foreign

                                                                 Investments Act:

                                                                 Filing Fee – P500.00

                                                                 Registration Fee – P5,000.00

                                            合夥或公司:               費用

                                            證券管理委員會              1/5 of 1% of the authorized capital

                                            (Securities and      stock – general requirement for

                                            Exchange             domestic enterprise


                                            SEC)                 1/10 of 1% of the actual inward

                                                                 remittance(for Branch and

                                                                 Representative Office)

                  取得報稅憑證                    國稅局                  費用

                  Tax Identification No.    (Bureau of           P500 plus Certification Fee of P100.00

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