Page 62 - 菲律賓
P. 62


                           流程                      單位                             其他

                                                                 Registration Fee – P5,000.00

                                            合夥或公司:               費用
                                            證券管理委員會              1/5 of 1% of the authorized capital

                                            (Securities and      stock – general requirement for
                                            Exchange             domestic enterprise

                                            SEC)                 1/10 of 1% of the actual inward

                                                                 remittance(for Branch and
                                                                 Representative Office)

                  取得報稅憑證                    國稅局                  費用
                  Tax Identification No.    (Bureau of           P500 plus Certification Fee of P100.00

                  (T.I.N.)                  Internal Revenue)    and Documentary stamp fee of P75.00

                                                                 For Corporations, Documentary Stamp
                                                                 Tax on original issue of shares is

                                                                 payable also(Paid-up capital ÷ 200 =
                                                                 tax payable)

                  辦理強制性社會保險                 強制性社會保險              可上網查詢最近之SSS辦公室前往辦
                  Employer/Employee         (Social Security     理

                  Social Security System    System)    
                  Number, SSS No.

                  辦理健康保險                    健康保險                 可上網查詢最近之Philhealth辦公室前
                  Philhealth Membership     (Philhealth)         往辦理

                  辦理購房預備金                   購房預備金                可上網查詢最近之Pag-IBIG辦公室前

                  Pag-IBIG                  (Pag-IBIG)           往辦理

                  向所在之地方政府                  地方政府                 須辦理之各項許可如Barangay

                  (LGU)登記註冊、                (Local               Business Clearance, Building &
                  申請商業許可證並辦                 government Unit)  Electrical Inspection Permit, Certificate

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